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JSX Introduction (Live Playground)

JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript code. In React applications, JSX is used to define the structure and appearance of your components. In this tutorial, we'll introduce JSX and explain how it works, along with sample code and simple explanations.

What is JSX?

JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript code. JSX makes it easier to create and manage the user interface of your React application, as it is more intuitive and visually resembles the resulting UI structure.

Why use JSX?

JSX offers several advantages when working with React:

  1. Easier to read and write: JSX allows you to write markup-like code directly within your JavaScript code, making it more readable and easier to understand.
  2. Component-based structure: JSX promotes a component-based structure, which helps you create modular and maintainable applications.
  3. Less error-prone: JSX is compiled to JavaScript, which means that syntax errors will be caught at compile time, reducing the chance of runtime errors.

Basic JSX Syntax

Here's an example of a simple JSX expression:

const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

In this example, the JSX expression is assigned to the element variable. The JSX code looks like an HTML tag, but it is actually JavaScript. Under the hood, JSX expressions are converted to React.createElement() function calls.

Using JSX in React Components

In React, JSX is used to define the structure and appearance of components. Here's an example of a simple React component using JSX:

import React from 'react';

function Welcome() {
return <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

export default Welcome;

In this example, the Welcome component returns a JSX expression representing an <h1> element. When this component is rendered, it will display "Hello, world!" as an <h1> element in the browser.

Live Playground, Try it Yourself


JSX is an essential part of React applications, as it provides a more intuitive and visually appealing way to define the structure and appearance of your components. By understanding the basics of JSX and how it works in React, you'll be better equipped to create and manage your React application's user interface. With its readability, component-based structure, and compile-time error checking, JSX is a powerful tool for React developers.