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JavaScript Whitespace (Live Playground)

In JavaScript, whitespace refers to characters such as spaces, tabs, and line breaks that visually separate elements in your code. Whitespace generally doesn't affect the execution of your code, as the JavaScript interpreter ignores it when parsing and running the script. However, proper use of whitespace can significantly improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

In this tutorial, we'll explore the role of whitespace in JavaScript and learn how to use it effectively.

Whitespace in Expressions and Statements

Whitespace can be used to separate elements within expressions and statements, making your code easier to read. You can use spaces, tabs, or a combination of both to visually structure your code. However, be consistent with your choice of whitespace.


// Good use of whitespace
let result = 1 + (2 * 3) / 4;

// Poor use of whitespace
// prettier-ignore
let result2 = 1+2*3/4;

In the example above, the first line demonstrates good use of whitespace, with spaces separating the operators and operands, making the expression easy to read. The second line lacks whitespace, making it more challenging to understand the expression.

Live Playground, Try it Yourself

Whitespace in Function Declarations and Calls

When declaring or calling functions, use whitespace to separate the function name, parameters, and curly braces to improve readability.


// Good use of whitespace
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;

let sum = add(1, 2);

// Poor use of whitespace
// prettier-ignore
function add2(a,b){return a+b;}
// prettier-ignore
let sum2=add2(1,2);

In the example above, the first function declaration and call use proper whitespace, making the code easy to read. The second function declaration and call lack whitespace, reducing readability.

Live Playground, Try it Yourself


Indentation refers to the use of whitespace at the beginning of a line to indicate the level of nesting in your code. Using consistent indentation helps visually organize your code and makes it easier to understand the structure.


// Good use of indentation
function greet(name) {
if (name) {
console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');
} else {
console.log('Hello, world!');

// Poor use of indentation
// prettier-ignore
function greet2(name){
console.log('Hello, '+name+'!');
console.log('Hello, world!');

In the example above, the first function uses consistent indentation, making it easy to see the nesting structure of the code. The second function lacks proper indentation, making it harder to understand the code's structure.

Live Playground, Try it Yourself


Whitespace is an essential aspect of writing readable and maintainable JavaScript code. Proper use of whitespace in expressions, statements, function declarations, and indentation can significantly improve your code's readability. Always be consistent with your whitespace usage and follow established coding conventions to make your code more accessible to others.