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Map in JavaScript (Live Playground)

In JavaScript, the Map data structure allows you to store key-value pairs, where keys and values can be of any type. A Map object can be used to store and manipulate collections of key-value pairs efficiently. In this tutorial, we will explore the Map data structure and its methods.

Creating a Map

To create a Map, use the Map constructor. You can create an empty map or initialize it with an iterable object, such as an array of key-value pairs:

const emptyMap = new Map();

const keyValuePairs = [
['one', 1],
['two', 2],
['three', 3],

const numbersMap = new Map(keyValuePairs);

numbersMap.forEach((value, key) => console.log(key, value));
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Adding Elements

To add elements to a map, use the set method:

const fruits = new Map();

fruits.set('apple', 5);
fruits.set('banana', 3);
fruits.set('orange', 2);

Accessing Elements

To access a value by its key, use the get method:

const appleQuantity = fruits.get('apple'); // Returns the value associated with the 'apple' key, otherwise undefined.

Removing Elements

To remove a specific key-value pair from a map, use the delete method:

fruits.delete('banana'); // Returns true if the key is found and removed, otherwise false.

To remove all elements from a map, use the clear method:


Checking for Elements

To check if a map contains a specific key, use the has method:

fruits.has('apple'); // Returns true if the key is in the map, otherwise false.

Map Size

To get the number of key-value pairs in a map, use the size property:

fruits.size; // Returns the number of key-value pairs in the map.

Iterating Over a Map

You can use the forEach method or a for...of loop with the entries, keys, or values methods to iterate over a map:

fruits.forEach((value, key) => console.log(key, value));

for (const [key, value] of fruits.entries()) {
console.log(key, value);

for (const key of fruits.keys()) {

for (const value of fruits.values()) {
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In this tutorial, we've covered the Map data structure in JavaScript, which allows you to store key-value pairs efficiently. We've explored how to create a map, add and access elements, remove elements, check for elements, determine map size, and iterate over a map. Maps can be particularly useful when you need to store and manipulate collections of key-value pairs.