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Cypress Best Practices

In this tutorial, we'll discuss the best practices for writing and maintaining Cypress tests, ensuring that your end-to-end testing is efficient and high-quality.

1. Keep your tests small and focused

Write small, focused tests that target specific user interactions or features. This makes it easier to debug, maintain, and understand the purpose of each test.

it('should log in successfully', () => {
/* Test code for logging in */
it('should display an error for invalid login credentials', () => {
/* Test code for invalid login */

2. Use data-* attributes for selecting elements

Instead of relying on CSS class names or element IDs, use data-* attributes to select elements in your tests. This helps reduce the risk of breaking tests when you change the design or structure of your application.

<button data-cy="submit-button">Submit</button>

3. Use beforeEach and afterEach hooks wisely

Use beforeEach and afterEach hooks for actions that need to happen before or after each test, such as setting up the test environment or cleaning up after a test.

beforeEach(() => {

afterEach(() => {
// Clean up actions

4. Use custom commands for repetitive actions

If you find yourself repeating the same actions across multiple tests, create custom commands to encapsulate the repetitive code.

Cypress.Commands.add('login', (username, password) => {

5. Keep test data separate

Store test data, such as user credentials or API responses, in a separate file or as Cypress environment variables. This makes it easier to manage and update test data.

"env": {
"username": "testuser",
"password": "testpassword"

Use the environment variables in your test:

const { username, password } = Cypress.env();
cy.login(username, password);

6. Use the Cypress Real World App for reference

The Cypress Real World App is an open-source project that demonstrates best practices and serves as a valuable reference for implementing end-to-end tests with Cypress. Explore the codebase to learn more about testing techniques and Cypress usage.

GitHub Repository:

By following these best practices, you can write efficient, maintainable, and high-quality Cypress tests that ensure your web applications behave as expected and help you identify and fix bugs more efficiently.